Based on a review of literature published in refereed archival journals, ventilation rates in classrooms often fall far short of the minimum ventilation rates specified in standards.

Based on a review of literature published in refereed archival journals, ventilation rates in classrooms often fall far short of the minimum ventilation rates specified in standards. There is compelling evidence, from both cross sectional and intervention studies, of an association of increased student performance with increased ventilation rates. There is evidence that reduced respiratory health effects and reduced student absence are associated with increased ventilation rates. Increasing ventilation rates in schools imposes energy costs and can increase HVAC system capital costs. The net annual costs, ranging from a few dollars to about ten dollars per person, are less than 0.1% of typical public spending on elementary and secondary education in the US. Such expenditures seem like a small price to pay given the evidence of health and performance benefits.
LifeWings Peak Performance (LWPP) serves as a Safe Air Partner by identifying available state and federal funding resources and helping secure them for your schools. LifeWings can then guide you through auditing and assessing the condition of your HVAC Systems, which makes you eligible to secure funding for your facilities. More funding leads to accelerated cost savings over time by reducing emergency repairs, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing the working environment for staff while ensuring Safer Air for students and families.